Thomas Edison, 164 Years And What Do You Get?

Today is the 164th anniversary of the birth of  prolific American inventor, Thomas Edison.

Outlawed in Brazil, Venezuela, Europe, and soon to be in Canada and the United States.

Truly a modern Prometheus, Mr. Edison brought safe, affordable light to the world.

 To the masses.

He illuminated a dark world with the light of his genius.

Officially recognized by the United States Government on January 27, 1880. Patent document.

Sadly this wonderful invention has been officially banned  thanks to environmental scolds who think that less reliable, hazardous mercury containing, much more expensive Compact Fluorescent Bulbs are some how “better.” Starting in Brazil and Venezuela in 2005.

Slavishly followed by the EU in 2009.

Coming soon to Canada and the US.

Mr. Edison, thanks for shedding light in the  darkness.

It was great while it lasted. Apparently 130 years of a good thing is enough.

Now we’ll all go blind to the insipid light of the toxic CFLs that the bureaucrats have declared to be “preferred.”

And to the dingbats that think the world’s changing to these bulbs will shut down up to 270 coal fired plants.

Give me a call when that happens.

Thomas Edison Photo.

Europe link.

Canada link.

Call me when they shut down those 270 power plants because of energy savings, dingbats.

4 Responses to Thomas Edison, 164 Years And What Do You Get?

  1. Miles we won’t live that long. Good post.

  2. peterdub says:

    Thank you Milo

    I have also extensively covered
    why the light bulb ban is wrong on my website

    Final Words on the site:

    On a deeper level, it’s about celebrating Creativity – not Destruction.

    Celebrating creativity is about recognizing the advantages that different products have.
    That is why they exist for people to choose.

    President Obama, State of the Union Address 25 January 2011:
    “What we can do – what America does better than anyone – is spark the creativity and imagination of our people.
    We are the nation that put cars in driveways and computers in offices,
    the nation of Edison and the Wright brothers…”

    Yes Mr President, Creative America, the nation of Edison:
    Would you not have allowed him to create his popular light bulb?

    And so it came to pass, in the autumn of 1879, after tireless effort working with different materials, Thomas Edison finally arrived at the ingenious invention we still see today, the Edison light bulb, the world’s single most popular electrical appliance and the oldest electrical invention in widespread common use:
    A beautifully simple, safe, cheap, bright light delivering construction.

    Maybe the time will come when, like its cousin the gleaming radio tube, it gradually fades away, the passing of old technology.

    But let it be a democratic passing by the will of the people,
    not a passing by committee dictats and decrees.

    How many American, European or other officials should it take to change a light bulb?
    How many citizens should be allowed to choose?

  3. lighthouse says:

    Besides, Miles, apart from affecting people’s product choice,
    the actual switchover savings are not that great anyway =
    less than 1% of overall energy use, and 1-2% grid electricity is saved,
    as shown by USA Dept of Energy, EU statistics and other official information
    with alternative and more meaningful ways to save energy in
    generation, distribution or consumption.

    RE “shut down up to 270 coal fired plants”
    == could not possibly happen even with supposed savings,
    for reasons here:

    Light bulbs don’t burn coal or release CO2.
    Power plants might.
    If there’s a problem – deal with the problem,
    rather than a token ban on simple safe light bulbs,
    light bulbs that people obviously like to use
    (or there would not be a “need” to ban them!)

  4. Mike W. says:

    Its funny for every achievement in reducing my electric footprint my rates keep increasing, so in the end I still have gained nothing.

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