About PMPA

Who can you turn to for Regulatory assistance & advice?

What resources do you have for Problem Solving?

How can you keep your company and people up to date on Technology?

Where can you turn for Peer Comparison?

Why would you not join an organization with proven ROI?


One of the best parts of PMPA membership is knowing that you’ll always have an advocate. Locally to nationally, before regulations are passed, and in helping you know what the rules mean and mean to your business, we will be there to help.

Problem Solving

From our professional staff to peer email forums, it’s very likely that someone has the answer to your manufacturing, quality, regulatory or human resource question.


Where can you turn for news and updates on the latest developments in precision machining? PMPA. With National Tech Conferences, CEU programs, as well as online and local chapter programs we can keep you, your employees and new hires on the (machine) cutting edge.

Peer Comparison

Make your business more competitive and profitable with our unmatched peer comparison tools. Business trend reports, wage surveys, economic and market forecasts and more make your membership the most valuable tool for your company’s bottom line.


Our professional assistance will help your bottom line, and your membership will more than pay for itself. The four reasons above alone will lead to savings greater than your cost, and our affinity programs alone will pay for itself. Invest in yourself, your people and your business today by joining PMPA.


2 Responses to About PMPA

  1. Jim says:

    Please send me a membership list from North Carolina. I work for a machine shop and may be interested in joining.

  2. Dear Sir,

    Thanks for your explanation for the pseudo-round shapes.

    we are from vacuum and thin film coating system manufacturing industry.

    one of our customer want to accommodate pseudo round samples on the workholder.

    could you please elaborately explain what they are looking. If we need to provide the same what else required.

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